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Census Survey

We want to hear form you!

If you are a Verona Area School District resident and have children (birth through age 18) not currently enrolled in our district, we would like to hear from you.

The Verona Area School District gathers census information for all children living within the school district's boundaries between the ages of birth through age 18.  Not only does an accurate census help school administration in planning for the future, it allows us to provide you with information appropriate for your child. Please note, the census survey is different from school registration.  If you need to register your child, visit our New to the District page.  

Prior to completing the survey, please verify your address is within our boundaries by visiting Access Dane.  Once on the website, enter your address in the search.  When your property search is complete, it will indicate on the lower right side of the screen which area school district you reside in.

Only complete this survey if you have a child(ren) NOT yet school-aged or if your child(ren) is school-aged, but attends private school or is home-schooled.  If your child(ren) currently attends one of our schools - you do not need to complete the survey.