e-Funds Online Payments
e-Funds is the payment services company VASD uses for receiving electronic payments for school fees, school lunch or other fees. This service eliminates sending money to the school. Your e-Fund account is specific to your banking information. You will need to “add a student” to your account using your student’s “Student ID#." Your student fees and optional fees made in “e-Funds” will be synced to Powerschool as payments received.
To use e-Funds, click here to log-into your e-Funds account or Click here for a Step by Step Guide to help you set up an account.
In e-Funds, parents/guardians can make payments for the following:
- “Fund Lunch” (school meal payments) *NOTE: Please be advised that e-Funds does NOT carry meal account balance information. (see WORDWARE - School Lunch Account information)
- “Student Fees” (These fees are the fees assessed in Powerschool-General fees, field trips, course fees, and extra-curricular participation fees)
- “Optional Fees” (These include food service donation or charitable donation to a school)