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Immigrant Students & Families

The Verona Area School District is committed to supporting each and every individual who is part of our school community.

VASD will decisively respond to hate speech or actions that denigrate any member of our community. This value is reflected in our policies, with Operational Expectation 10: Learning Environment/Student Behavior clearly stating that we will not tolerate “any behaviors, actions, or attitudes by students or adults who have contact with students that hinder the academic performance or the well-being of students” and that we will not “permit behaviors on school property and at school-sponsored events by students or adults that cause physical or emotional harm, including any form of bullying.” 

Administrative Rule 507: Equal Educational Opportunities articulates our commitment to providing equal educational opportunities for all students enrolled in the VASD, with no person being discriminated against on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, national origin, ancestry, color, religion, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability, or homelessness status.

In the VASD, we remain unified and anchored around our Equity Framework.

  • The VASD will ensure that every individual has access to the educational, social, and emotional support they need to feel valued and affirmed in their unique identities and experiences. 
  • We acknowledge that inequities and power dynamics exist in our system such that some individuals, on the basis of their identities, face barriers to accessing the opportunities they need to experience success. 
  • The VASD is committed to disrupting these systems of inequity.

These beliefs will continue to guide our decision-making and our approach to supporting the students we serve. We routinely ask ourselves– "And how are the children?" We want to ensure that all of our children are healthy, engaged, and excelling in our school community. 

Our ongoing practices will include the following:

  • Our Pupil Services staff will provide safe spaces for any student to process fears or anxieties they may have.
  • We will reinforce our core values through our advisory periods, morning circles, and restorative discussions across schools.
  • We will connect families to community resources to assist them with any supports they require for their children.
  • We will continue to provide guidance to staff on how to facilitate constructive and productive dialogue while addressing negative or harmful commentary.

We ask that our families, staff, and students report any instances where the well-being of any of our community members may be at risk. Concerns can be reported to any trusted adult at school or through our VASD tipline here.


Immigration Resources