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Transportation Eligibility

Board Policy on Bus Transportation Eligibility

The Verona Area School District’s Administrative Rule 630: Student Transportation Services shares that First Student MUST provide transportation to: 

  • Kindergarten to 5th-grade students if they live 1.25 miles or more from their school
  • 6th-12th grade students if they live 2.0 miles or more from their school

Exceptions are made for students who need to cross “unusually hazardous” transportation corridors discussed below.

The means of determining the distance to a school is by use of Google Maps, walking distance, which utilizes available bike/pedestrian paths. There are a small number of households which First Student deems as walkable even though Google maps shares that household as transportation eligible (meaning the walk is farther than district policy states per age group). This occurs because Google often directs a student to a front door of the school building, causing a considerable extra walking distance. To help address this situation, First Student has worked with the school district to list the following addresses for parents to enter in Google maps when trying to determine if your student is eligible for transportation or is within walking distance: 

  • New Century School students should use 400 N. Main Street
  • Sugar Creek students should use 740 N. Main Street
  • Verona Area High School students should use 234 Wildcat Way
  • Badger Ridge Middle School and Core Knowledge Charter School students should use 300 Richard Street

Unusually Hazardous Corridors/Intersections:

There are instances that Google Maps suggests a route that would have a student crossing an intersection deemed hazardous by the Dane Co Sheriff's Department. In those instances, if there is a walking path that does not include a hazardous intersection/corridor, that distance will be used to determine transportation eligibility.